SACRAMENTO, Calif., USA - The cadre of magazine writers in Journalism 132 have been launched to start writing their first drafts of their
first stories - 600-word opuses on various topics of 'how-to' do things.
The topics range from building computers (explain
that in 600 words!) to how to be a dynamic waitress to running a background criminal check - on
They should make for some very interesting reading.
As in the case of the columns written by the Column Writing class, the blogs created by J132 will be posted on this page. In the case of these magazine writers, the blogs might not be
quite as polished as they are drafts and in fact, the writers would like outside comments.
In the meantime, I was excused from jury duty Monday after a long day at the courthouse. I'll detail out that adventure in a different blog, perhaps later today.
Right now I need to begin reading the latest specialty columns (with links to which are on the side of this page), turned in by the Column Writing class.