The rally was sponsored by the California Faculty Association and Associated Students, Inc. to also talk about AB 656, a measure by state Assemblyman Alberto Torrico (D-Newark) that would tax oil companies on the oil that they extract out of the state's oilfields.
And the lion's share of that funding would go to the CSU.
Alberto Torrico (right) with ASI President Roberto Torres
A firebrand speech by ASI President Torres led off the event. Torres exhorted students to get involved and support the bill.
Later, Assemblyman Torrico told the rally that oil companies have been posting incredible profits year after year and that California is the only state in the union that doesn't have a tax on oil as it is pulled from the ground.
"The governor is going around the state selling off state property but giving away the oil," Torrico said. "Even Sarah Palin has a tax in Alaska."
CSU, Sacramento Professor Joseph Palermo
Also speaking was CSU, Sacramento Professor Joe Palermo who told the students that they are not being served well by the trustees of the CSU - or by the university system's chancellor, Charles Reed.
Reed and the trustees have said they are not supporting AB 656. But Palermo pointed out they haven't suggested how to solve the university's budget woes.
"AB 656 is the only game in town," he said. "What is Reed doing for his salary?"
Audience at Monday's rally
CSUS officials confer with student handing out literature