Thursday, September 16, 2010

Column writers to hear Mexican Consul General on Monday

SACRAMENTO, Calif., USA - The columnists of Journalism 131 will be listening to a talk Monday given by Carlos González Gutiérrez, the Consul General of Mexico in Sacramento. 

And their assignment?

To write a column based on issues relating to the U.S. and Mexico, using Sr. Gonzalez Gutierrez's talk as a prompt.

Carlos González Gutiérrez
Those issues could include immigration, Mexican-American relations, language, culture - almost anything.

But the column will have to have a tie-in to  González Gutiérrez's speech, however tenuous the connection.

This next column comes as many of the columnists are still pounding out 600+ words about this week's University Union's Phlagleblast, which was a big success, according to organizers who are already looking at what they will be doing next fall.

A full biography of González Gutiérrez - who will be speaking Monday at noon in the University Ballroom - is available here: 

Biography of Mexican Consul

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